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Ignition Repairs

Northside Car Keys are brisbane's go-to locksmiths for ignition repairs

Ignition faults are a frustrating issue that can leave you stranded. Fortunately, with the right parts and know-how, most ignition problems can be fixed with minimal wait time. Northside Car Keys are experts in ignition repairs. Our mobile service can come to your car, or our Herston workshop has tow-truck access and vehicle storage space if needed. We carry a wide range of replacement parts for ignition repairs of all kinds - whether it be worn wafers, a steering lock issue or ignition switch failure. Read on for more details on symptoms of ignition repairs, common problems and how we can help.

Do I need an ignition repair?

An ignition repair is required when one of the components making up the ignition breaks or wears out. There are some telltale signs that can tell you if something in your ignition is not working, and an ignition repair or replacement may be needed.

Both your keys and the ignition have multiple components that get mechanically worn down over time. Here's what to look for to tell if the problem lies with the keys or the ignition:

Faulty ignition symptoms

Does the key get jammed or stuck?

Is the key overly resistant and difficult to turn through the On, Accessories and Run positions?

Does the key turn too freely, not clicking into the Accessories/Run positions?

Does the key fail to spring back into position when starting the car?

Can the key be removed from the ignition from any position other than Off?

Does the key unlock but not start the car?

Does the car fail to respond to the key being turned ('no reaction' to being started)?

Faulty Key symptoms

Are the blade cuts on the key worn down?

Are the peaks and troughs in the key rounded/flattened instead of relatively sharp?

Is the key blade bent or twisted?

Is your remote key casing broken or cracked? 

If the casing is broken, are you missing the transponder chip that allows the car to start?

If you answered yes to any of these, it's likely the key needs replacing. We can help! Call or click below for information on replacing the key or the casing.

What's going on with my ignition?

Ignition barrel removed from car for repairSeveral things could be going wrong within your ignition to cause it to fail. There are many small moving parts within the lock and associated modules around the keyway.

Most commonly, ignition fixes are needed when the key or wafers are worn down or damaged. Ignition barrels usually have 8-12 wafers within them (sometimes referred to as pins, discs or "tumblers") that must fall on the shear line when the key is inserted for it to turn. If either the wafers or key are worn down or damaged, the pins will not fall on the shear line and stop the key from turning (ie, it might 'jam' or get stuck at a particular point whilst turning). It may only take one damaged or worn down wafer to stop the key being able to turn completely.

If the key is turning too freely, it can indicate a break in one of the deeper turning parts of the ignition. If there is none of the usual resistance felt when turning the key in the ignition, or it is not clicking into any of the positions (Accessories, On or Run). The break means that the car cannot sense the key turning, and the ignition switch cannot be activated to start the car. This problem requires the ignition to be removed and broken part replaced.

Sometimes ignition issues can signal a problem with an associated part of the wider vehicle start system. These are associated with the 'no reaction' symptom described above. Ignition switch failures and steering lock (particularly Electronic Steering Lock) failures are common in certain vehicles, which can involve a more in depth repair within the steering column of the vehicle.

Northside Car Keys can diagnose and repair all of these types of ignition problems, ignition switch problems and steering lock failures. Our mobile service can come to the rescue wherever the vehicle is stuck in Brisbane.

nck-swoosh rs

try this first

Let's face it - an ignition repair isn't something you budget for. Unfortunately, if your car is starting to show signs that the ignition is wearing out, it's unlikely to get better on its own. However, you can buy yourself a little bit of time before forking out for a repair or replacement by doing the steps listed here:

It is important to note that an ignition repair is best done before your car gets stranded somewhere away from home. This will minimise the time and cost of the repair, and you can have it done at your convenience (not when or wherever the ignition takes its last breath).

Ensure your key is clean along its profile (long ridges running along the key)

Apply some lubricant grease such as Inox or WD40

Apply some lubricant spray (not cooking spray) into the ignition keyway itself, to help the wafers and other small parts move smoothly 

What to avoid when shopping for an ignition repair

Like many trades, when it comes to ignition repairs a locksmith can do a great job or a not-so-great job. Unfortunately, the not-so-great ignition repairs leave your car insecure or won't fix the problem for long.

  1. Ensure your locksmith actually takes your ignition apart to repair and service it completely. Wonders can be done with a can of WD40 lubricant spray, but when you're paying good money for your ignition to be fixed, a spray in the lock doesn't make the cut.
  2. If the wafers inside your ignition are bent, broken or worn, ensure they are replaced during the repair, not simply removed. Sure, removing the wafers will stop the ignition from jamming, but also renders that cut on your key useless, reducing the security of your car. After all, a lock with no wafers can be opened with a screwdriver…
  3. Ask about your warranty. Any good locksmith will be happy to offer a warranty on their workmanship. If there's no warranty, steer clear.
  4. Ask about experience. Does your locksmith often see ignition problems with your Make and Model of car? In their experience, what is usually the problem? If you're dealing with a legitimate, trustworthy locksmith, they will have some knowledge to draw from, or know where to find it.
  5. Most importantly: Ensure your locksmith is licensed! A QLD Class 2 Security Licence is a minimum for any legitimate locksmith in Queensland. During your repair, your locksmith has access to your car, key, key code and other vehicle security information. Make sure you are using someone trustworthy. Hint: most of us are not advertising on Facebook Marketplace!

We hope this information has shed some light on what may be going wrong with your ignition. If you are stranded, you probably haven't read all this way down. If your ignition is showing signs that a failure is coming, send us a quote request or contact us on 1300 727 917 to see how we can help before it becomes a bigger issue.

what is involved in an ignition repair?

Honda ignition for repair by Northside Car KeysAt Northside Car Keys, we don't cut corners when it comes to ignition repairs. If the problem is with your wafers being worn, we will replace them all and fully service your ignition whilst we've taken it apart. We also provide a new blade for your car key as standard, cut back to your car's keycode so that if a worn key was contributing to the problem, it won't anymore.

For ignition problems where the wafers and key are not the problem, we carry a wide range of replacement parts for common problems we see. That way we can have your ignition fixed and your car back up and running in no time. Our mobile service operates 7 days a week, and our Herston workshop is open Monday-Saturday. The Herston site has space to safely store your car if needed, and easy tow truck access.

Looking for an Audi or VW ignition repair?

More details on the specific issue with these vehicles can be found on our Audi & Volkswagen Ignition Repair Page. All of our work comes with a 12 month warranty for peace of mind.

To arrange Northside Car Keys to come and repair your ignition to get you moving again, just call us!